
Washing-process for cars, trucks, trains, planes consume a lot off water. Depending on the costs off drinking water and sewage-costs it could be interesting to recycle this water. Selecting the recycle method  a number off aspects are very important. Which pollution is present in this water??. Which pollution has to be extracted and which pollution can stay in the water and can be recycled towards the washing process??. How much would recycling-equipment cost and how big are the cost on exploitation. 

Research during the nineties resulted in biological treatment as the method for recycling water in washing processes. With this process there is no need for chemical substitutions. The system is self-supporting and it is very poor on maintenance, so low in exploitation.


  • Carwash in bay-automatic and wash tunnel
  • Bus-, coach- en truckwash
  • Train-, metrowash
  • Self wash(SB)
  • Washing equipment army transportation
  • Shower water recycling for rinsing water toilets


Also Waste water technologies has a complete watermanagement-system which is called B.R.O.W.; Biological Recycling Omni Water.

In this system next to the biological treatment also rainwater & groundwater are used to close the water-circle. Rainwater and groundwater are used for rinsing. Groundwater is being de-mineralized by reversed osmoses-equipment to get a spotless drying-result. The rainwater-surplus is infiltrated in the ground.

The complete system:

  • sludge-pits
  • oilseparator
  • process-pits
  • clearificationplant SOM-BIO or AQUA HZ/HRW
  • rainwater system HST 500 of 1000
  • water-purification
  • reversed osmosis
  • groundwater-pit with pump system